Sunday, October 12, 2014

Car Key

Here's what I did for Tech Viz this week. We had to model a car key, so I modeled my own. I got the modeling done pretty quick, so I went ahead and textured it. This is not meant to be a game model. It's high poly, and has massive texture maps. There's a couple issues I'd like to take care of, but overall I'm happy with the outcome. It was good practice for sub-d modeling, as well as working with high res maps in Quixel. Now here's some pics:

Open Version

 Closed Version

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Game Assets Stuff

So I'm still not where I need to be with the Bioshock laser weapon, but that'll get finished these next couple days. In the mean time, here's some of my recent stuff from Game Assets Development, with a little info on each of them.

Here's my obligatory zombie weapon, which I've dubbed "The Ol' Razzle Dazzle." I figured a heavy wrench with an awl or icepick on the other end would be pretty vicious, so that's what I made. This particular wrench had a wooden handle with a chuck on the end, which I thought would facilitate the addition of the spike a little easier. Anyway, here's some screens.

Next up is a trash receptacle done as a city element. We had to create two textures for it. Both of mine were done from reference, but I removed some of the more unique wear and tear, since it's supposed to be used throughout an environment.

Last up is my dieselpunk captain's chair. Most of my work thus far has been directly from reference, so for this project I wanted something that was my own. I created this reference board to help out with the design. I liked the desk made out of the large engine intake shell, so that got incorporated into my design, as well as some cues from vintage race cars from that era and cafe racers. The chair currently has 1024x1024 maps on it, but this weekend I'll be increasing that to at least 2K(maybe even 4K), sculpting some more details in NDO, and adding a ton of detail to it. After I finish that weapon, of course.

Reference Board                                           Sketches

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Wildstar Prop - Update

Added the force field to the front.

Wildstar Prop Texture Update

Went ahead and finished the details on the wildstar prop, and made a few corrections as well. I'm gonna start modeling the small stuff that will go on the shelves this afternoon, but first I'll be making the force-field for the front.

Here's a couple shots of the finished model, along with the concept again. One render is out of Quixel, the other is Marmoset.




Friday, August 29, 2014

Bioshock Weapon Update - Modeling Done

Okay, so I'm pretty sure I'm done with the modeling on this thing. I modeled the interior piece where the laser would actually come out of. It's not visible in this shot, but I assure you it's there. The final renders will get a look at it.

I also went ahead and modeled in the circular indents. Lots of extra geo, but at this point what's the difference.

Friday Update 1 - Bioshock Weapon

So I'm done modeling everything for the gun that I can see in the concept. I still need to model the piece where the laser will actually come out of, but that's not in the concept. I'll be modeling that tonight, as well as going back and modeling some stuff to put on the shelves of my wildstart prop. I might finish the texturing for that as well. Either way, I'll post another update tonight with whatever I get done.

Here's a render of the weapon from mental ray. Just messing around with some materials to see how I want to tackle the refraction of the glass material, as well as the emissive on the indicators. This will affect how I unwrap the model, so I decided to figure it out now.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Bioshock Weapon Update

Here's where I'm at with the modeling. There's only a couple more pieces to model out. Again, here's the concept for comparison.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday update: Still modeling.

Finishing up the modeling tonight for my bioshock weapon. Probably gonna stay up late to get it as close to finished as possible.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Sunday Update

So since the curriculum changed for the rest of the quarter, I decided to change a couple things. I'm going to finish up this bioshock weapon that I started last quarter, but only to replace my Guild Wars prop. The axe I was working on really wasn't worth the effort, considering it isn't my own concept. As for my big prop for the rest of the quarter, I'm going to spend this next week concepting my own design for something. I'm leaning towards a mech based on Zone of the Enders, but we'll see. For now, here's my progress on that bioshock weapon, along with the concept I'm going off of.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Dota 2 Prop Update 2

Got the low-poly modeled out.
I'll be unwrapping and texturing tonight.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Dota 2 update

I'm lagging behind this week. Here's my chosen concept for this prop. It's from an unused character concept for Magnus. I liked that it had an almost oriental look to it, so I took it into photoshop, cleaned it up and overlayed some color schemes to see which direction I might go when I texture it. Anyways, onto modeling this thing.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Wildstar Prop - First Pass

Here's my first pass for the wildstar prop. Albedo and emissive only.
 I'll add some more details later, as well as a more stylized spec map. Time to move on to the next prop.

Concept (It's been a while since I first posted it)

First Pass Render

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Dagger update

Updated color scheme for the dagger. These shots represent 512x512 maps.

Wildstar Prop Normal Map

Here's the normal map for my wildstar prop. I'll be doing a first pass in DDO, and then hand painting details.

Wildstar Prop WIP

Didn't get enough into this prop this week. Took a while to unwrap all its pieces, but I got all the normal details done and it's ready for texturing.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Developing Skills : Tutorial and Stuff

Decided to do this dynamesh rocks tutorial after all. Honestly, not as helpful as I would've liked it to be, but the techniques he discusses will come in handy later on.

This week we had to revisit our first project in Game Assets and fix some stuff. For me, that meant working on optimizing the geometry. There was a lot of wasteful edge loops running through it. Before optimizing, the model was at 1,968 tris. Afterwards, I got it down to 1,276 tris. That's about a third of our tri-limit I wasted that could've been useful in modeling out a few other details for the model. Definitely going to remember to optimize next time.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Uncharted Prop: Maps and stuff

                         2048                                                 1024                                                  512

Uncharted Prop: UE4 and Toolbag 2 Renders

 Finally got around to getting the dagger into UE4, and I went ahead and took some shots in Marmoset as well.

Toolbag 2

Unreal Engine 4