Monday, April 6, 2015

Environment - Pretty much done

So I finally got this environment to where I want it...well, pretty much.

There's a few things I'd like to take care of on it if I get a few minutes tomorrow.

As for what I got done since the last update, here's a quick rundown: modeled the taped up boxes on the right side and changed the material on the left-side boxes to kind of match, modeled the red manual override handle, the yellow handle above it along with their respective plating, and another extra metal plate on the right side. With that stuff modeled out, I moved on to the decals, which  let me add the smaller details onto the door mechanisms, the plating behind the manual override, the floor, and a few of the boxes. Took a little bit, but I think they help sell the scale of the scene a little more.

Here's a render before I go to bed. I'll be taking  a few more shots from different angles tomorrow to put up on my website. Anyway...time for bed.

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