Friday, March 27, 2015

Voodoo doll

Made this guy for my very last class....took a few hours in Zbrush and Max, and rendered it out real quick in Marmoset.

Not the focus of my portfolio at all, but it was fun to deviate a little bit for a few hours.

For our project we came up with a business where we would sell 3D printed voodoo dolls to people. So for the sculpt and the renders, I tried to mimic the look of a plastic 3D printed model, instead of an actual fabric voodoo doll. Might go back to add a few details here and there when I need a break from environments, and probably keep working on my ZBrush skills.

Anyway, Sunday I'll get back to finishing up my first environment and beginning work on my second.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Sci-fi Environment Update : Almost done...

So here's where the environment ended up before the portfolio show.

I plan on finishing this environment up over the next few days, as well as starting to plan my next environment.

As far as finishing this piece, I gotta model a few more things such as the red handle with a plate behind it, a couple structural pieces on the right side, a hanging box with netting, and I'm gonna redo the cables that run along the wall. Not happy with the ones that are there right now. I'll probably tone down the color of those cylindrical filters, too...they seem too blue to me.

Once that's done, I can add details like stickers, warning labels, painted stripes and stuff, and probably add some dirt and grime to my maps. The UV layout of the models should allow for it.

Anyway, let me know what you guys think, and feel free to give any advice you think would be helpful.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Environment Update - More Stuff

Got a few more things in...the last structural support, the motor above the door, the display panel next to the door, and one of the hanging cables. Also messed with the lighting some more, getting it to feel a bit more like the concept.

Environment Update

Got a few more things modeled out: the plates around the door and a couple beams that span the circumference of the passageway.

Also went ahead and duplicated some stuff over to the right side so I'll be able to model the cables in the right places.

Started to look for a suitable camera position, particularly one that will give me a good focal point and good composition.

Also started setting up lighting to see if I need to adjust the materials any more. Accidentally overwrote one of my normal map files, so I'll have to recreate a couple details for the door frame, but that'll be simple enough.

Also took a closeup of the door mechanism, because it's late, I'm exhausted, and why the hell not.

Still got a lot to do for this, but I feel like it's starting to come together. It's taking me a couple days longer than I wanted it to, but I think it'll look good once I've finished it. Tomorrow will be a hectic day trying to get it done.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Environment Update - Door Mechanism

Got the door done..well, I gotta go back and move a few pieces out towards the frame a little more, but it's essentially done. Modeling the rest of the back wall and structural stuff this evening. Might get to some of the smaller stuff as well.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Environment Update

Here's where I'm at with the's just in marmoset right now to test the materials quickly while I unwrap.

Back to work now.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Environment Update - Second Texture Sheet Finished

 Finally finished the second texture sheet. Won't be needing a third, but I will need to make a few decals later. For now, these two will allow me to model everything out in the scene fairly quickly. Today and tomorrow will be dedicated to modeling everything out in Max and getting it into UE4.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Environment Update

Things have been moving slowly, but I finally got the first texture sheet done. I'll be working from home tomorrow, so I'll be able to pick up the pace and get to the modeling.

Here's a few shots from Quixel for the first texture sheet.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Sci-Fi Environment

    I've been meaning to move into environments for a while now, and since I recently finished that laser weapon I can finally start on this sci-fi scene. Originally I had only planned on reusing meshes and still having unique textures, but now that's changed. I'm gonna focus on using a more modular, efficient workflow. Spent the past couple days looking into modularity, particularly texture sheets and effective ways of getting the most out of them. This is definitely out of my comfort zone, but any mistakes I make during this process will definitely help me learn.

     Normally, my projects can take quite a while, but this one will be very fast paced, hence the need for modularity. The goal is one week. I'll be making some texture sheets tonight, as well as setting up a master material in UE4 that I'll be able to create instances from, to use with each imported mesh. The rest of the weekend will be dedicated to modeling, making sure to unwrap as I go using my texture sheets, staying on the grid, and testing everything in UE4. Monday through Wednesday I'll mostly be working in UE4, making sure materials and decals work properly and lighting the scene. I've allotted plenty of time for each stage of my process to allow for any inevitable fuck-ups, but hopefully things will go smoother than I'm expecting. I'll be posting updates daily.

     Here's a couple images showing my thought process so far. The paintover doesn't break everything down...I can, and will, reuse any smaller assets that aren't further broken down by color. Just wanted to move on. The other image just shows how I plan to break the texture sheet up. I'll be reusing textures as much as possible, and adjusting them in-engine with instances as needed. I'm trying to keep the number texture sheets to a minimum. I should be able to get away with 3, but may need a fourth. We'll see.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Finished the's a few shots out of marmoset. I'll post more pics on my website tonight.