Sunday, July 27, 2014

Guild Wars Prop Update 2

Finally finished up those tutorial lessons today, and I'm almost finished with my Game Assets assignment. I need to reinstall ZBrush on my rig tonight so I can get some work done here at home, but I learned a few things from the tutorial that should help speed things up. I'll be posting screenshots pretty frequently tomorrow and Tuesday. Not sure how far I'll get with this one. I'd like to get the sculpt completely finished, along with the re-topologizing, unwrapping, and baking. The material portion might need to get put off for a little bit. Anyway, here's a few screens of what I've been up to last night and today for Game Assets.

Step Stool in Unreal Engine 4 (Maps are 512x512)

WIP on a Sci-Fi crate. Bake-down is complete and I'm working on the materials tonight.

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