Thursday, June 5, 2014

Bioshock WIP

Quick block-in using primitives. Just trying to get the proportions correct before I move on.

Bioshock Concept

Screw it...this is too rad to pass up.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Wildstar Low Poly

Finished the low poly for the wildstar prop. Not used to doing stylized stuff, so it took longer than I anticipated. The rest of the details will be added in the material.\

Monday, June 2, 2014

Wildstar Prop Blockin

Did a quick block in of my prop for Wildstar. Figured I'd update before class real quick. Should finish modeling tonight.

Uncharted WIP

So for my uncharted prop I decided to do an artifact that you might find hidden around one of the levels. I chose to do an ornate ring. Again, I'll be unwrapping, adding normal details, and texturing it later, along with my other models.